Spring is almost here!

Can you believe that spring is almost here?
There might still be a few more wintry days ahead of us, and just to get you ready and excited for spring, we’ve thought up of a few activities that you can do with your children, family or even by yourself if you’re looking for fun on a rainy (or snowy) day.
Spring Dance
Decorate your house for a Spring Fling Dance, dress up and get your blood pumping with some fun moves. You can jam along to your favorite happy, spring song! Grab family members, roommates or friends and get creative.
What You’ll Need
- A fun, spring playlist
- Decorations such as streamers, fun tablecloths, decorations – look for things you might have around your house to make the room a little brighter!
With younger children, make this a game! Ask them to think of animals or objects that remind them of springtime, like a rabbit, baby chick, or flowers. Once you have a list of these things, play a song, and ask them to dance like the spring things they thought of.
For a challenge, only play orchestral music at this Spring Fling. You can put a playlist together of music that reminds you of spring or where pieces are written for the season! Can you think of orchestral spring songs?

Draw and Listen

Get your inner artist out with this one! There’s no right or wrong way to do this activity. While listening to your favorite song, close your eyes and draw along to the music.
Draw how the music makes you feel or what you’re thinking when you hear the music.
Here’s a playlist of past Landmarks concerts to help get you inspired.
What You’ll Need
- Paper
- Writing/drawing utensil (this can be markers, paint, pencils, anything you’d like!)
- Music to inspire your drawing
For an extra challenge, try to choose to specific colors or only to a certain number of colors. You can even play a song at random so the artist doesn’t know what will be played.
Build an Instrument
Rubber bands, milk cartons, paper towel rolls – just about anything can be used as an instrument! Look around your house and find items that you might throw away and put together a fun and unique instrument.
What You’ll Need
- Recyclables such as tissue boxes, bottles, rubber bands or cans.
- Optional – markers, paint, glue, fabric to decorate your instrument with.
Have fun with the decorating process as well! Paint, draw, and glue some decorations on your instrument to really personalize it.

Conduct an Orchestra

Learn how to conduct an orchestra! With Landmarks’ interactive page, you can learn the basics of conducting. Use the instruments you built, get friends or family together and try to conduct your very own piece!
What You’ll Need
Landmarks’ interactive resource page
A conducting baton (we use unsharpened pencils at our Maestro Zone in the summer!)
With this page, you can also learn about all of the instruments that make up an orchestra!
See you soon!
Once you’ve decided on which activity to do, take a picture or video of your musical activity and tag us using #LandmarksOrchestra.
Subscribe to our email list to keep up to date on the latest Landmarks news or follow our social media accounts (@LandmarksOrch). We hope to see you (virtually or in person) at a Landmarks concert soon!