Beethoven’s 9th Symphony

Beethoven’s 9th Symphony

Saturday, August 6 at 7:00pm
DCR Hatch Memorial Shell

Sponsored in part by

Approximate concert end time: 9:00pm

**Landmarks is not offering printed programs this year.
If you’d like, you can easily print the “Printable Program” above and bring it with you to the concert!**

Boston Landmarks Orchestra | Christopher Wilkins, conductor
Sirgourney Cook, soprano
Tichina Vaughn, mezzo-soprano
Ethan Bremner, tenor
Phillip Bullock, baritone
David Hodgkins, chorus master
One City Choir
Coro Allegro

Giacchino Rossini William Tell Overture
Johann Strauss, Jr. To America: Fair Columbia Waltzes
Diane White-Clayton Many Mansions (world premiere performance)
Ludwig van Beethoven Symphony No. 9 in D minor, op. 125

Affectionately known as “Dr. Dee,” Diane White-Clayton travels extensively as a vocalist, pianist, composer, conductor, workshop clinician, and speaker. Possessing a three-and-a-half octave range, Diane weaves her high operatic soprano voice with her soulful gospel roots in her self-produced recordings. As a composer, her works have been performed at such venues as the John F. Kennedy Center, Carnegie Hall, and the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles, with her most popular piece, “Clap Praise” having been performed across the globe. You can learn more about Dr. Dee here.

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